(Updated February 4th, 2021)
The SF/HC Property is located in Eureka County on the Battle Mountain Gold Trend, ~6 kilometers east of Barrick’s Goldrush development-stage gold mine in the prolific Cortez district. The property originally consisted of 66 unpatented mining claims, but in 2020 the Company acquired additional HC claims from a private group for shares and a 2% NSR royalty, of which 1% can be purchase. Bravada acquired a 100% interest in the SF claims for cash over time and a 1% NSR, of which 0.5% can be purchased. Now 112 claims comprise the Property.
Bravada completed two proof-of-concept R.C. holes (878m total) in 2019 on the Company’s claims close to the boundary with the acquired HC claims. Bravada’s holes intersected anomalous gold and base-metals within the Horse Canyon and Wenban formations, which are repeated in the holes due to a sequence of stacked thrust sheets.
The two holes successfully verified favorable host rocks and structure, as well as a gold-bearing hydrothermal system. These geologic features are similar to those at Goldrush and extend onto the newly acquired claims based on surface mapping, alteration, geochemistry, and numerous, narrow gold intercepts of +0.1 ppm (Maximum 0.664 ppm Au) in hole HC04-1. The property acquisition includes an extensive database that will be combined with Bravada’s existing database to guide next-stage work at the expanded SF Project.